This documentary film focuses on the life and career of Nelda Wells Spears, the first African-American tax assessor-collector in the state of Texas. On July 14, 1946, Adolphus and Lucy Jean Wells gave birth to a baby girl in Travis County, Texas. Little did they know that she would grow up to become one of Travis County's most influential political office holders. The post-World War II climate and the complexity of race relations in Austin, Texas, during the 1960’s and 1970’s provided the perfect setting for the rise of a historic icon.
Filmmaker Trent A. Allen presents a biographical retrospective of the private life and public career of his mother, Nelda Wells Spears. This documentary film pairs newspaper and television coverage with candid interviews from family members, friends, and political colleagues to explore in-depth the life of the first African-American tax assessor-collector in the state of Texas.
This long awaited film is still in the production phase. Recently recovered footage, photographs, and information will be added to the documentary. Stay tuned for the release date.
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